The Church of Saint Sophia in Kiev

Sophia Cathedral in Kiev is one of the oldest monuments of ancient Russian architecture, not cease to surprise and impress tourists.

According to legend, the temple was built by Yaroslav the Wise Prince who wanted to see the Russian Church independent, without the patronage of the Byzantine Church. The building of the magnificent temple of the unseen beauty had to raise the status of Russia in the eyes of believers. It is believed that the temple was built with the participation of Byzantine masters. The best architects sought to learn from the experience of stone construction of the Byzantines, participating in the construction and design of the building. Thanks to its mixture of architectural traditions of the Cathedral turned out amazing. The layout is traditional Byzantine cross-domed Church. Appearance with thirteen bulbous domes already talks about the architectural originality. The Cathedral's interior was divided into several rooms. Outside the temple was surrounded by two galleries. Inside the Central part of the Cathedral was surrounded by a beautiful mosaic, neighbouring with colorful murals. And to biblical stories, usually located in the Church, was added images of the laity - a portrait of the Prince and his family. The outer part of the Cathedral was not plastered, and represented the brickwork.

Differed St. Sophia Cathedral and the size of the choir. Their area was significantly increased, they occupied the entire Western part. Structurally, the choruses were presented by gallery on the second floor. Originally this room was meant only for the nobility.

Soon the Church became a cultural and political center of the Kiev Principality. It is in the St. Sophia Cathedral occur ceremony, created the chronicle, offers an extensive library. And the Prince himself, where Affairs of state. XII century was marked by a gradual loss of Kiev their status. During was becoming aggravated strife Kiev began to be wars and looting. These hardships have affected his heart - the Hagia Sophia.

In the XIII century Russia survived the Mongol-Tatar invasion, and the Kiev Cathedral began to decline. With 1299 the residence of the Patriarch did was moved to Vladimir. In the XVI century for 40 years the temple was owned by the Ukrainian Uniate (Greek Catholic) Church, his condition worsened, many valuables were sold out. Finally, 1630, the Cathedral was returned to the ownership of the Orthodox Church. Sophia was restored and rebuilt. So, a magnificent Church, having survived the devastation and hardships, acquired its modern look.