Interesting facts about beer

1. Light has on beer adverse effect.

2. U.S. President George Washington owned a brewery in mount Vernon.

3. The builders of the Egyptian pyramids were often paid beer – 4 liters of beer in a day.

4. More than 4000 years – just as many ancient beer recipe, which is known officially.

5. Hops and marijuana belong to the same family of plants.

6. Many scientists believe that drinking beer reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and reduces cognitive function.

7. Any second time around 0.7% of the world's population are drunk, that is, at the moment almost 50 million earthlings are drunk, and beer – one of the reasons for this.

8. Cenosillicaphobia – the fear of an empty glass of beer.

9. The longest officially confirmed hangover in the world lasted for 4 weeks, the reason for such a prolonged hangover steel 60 pints of beer drunk one of the Scots.

10. 67,5% – this is the content of alcohol in the strong beer in the world brewed Scottish brewers and called him "snake venom".

11. Before the 70-ies of the beer was served in school canteens Belgium.

12. In many parts of Africa (Uganda, Burundi and others) the most popular type foam beverage is beer from bananas.

13. After Ireland's most beer brand Guinness drink in Nigeria.

14. Amsterdam alcoholics receive an official compensation from the authorities of the city in the form of EUR 10, packs of cigarettes and five bottles of beer – this is the fee for cleaning up the streets.

15. In Thailand there is a temple called the Temple of a million bottles. For the construction of buildings left more than 1 million bottles of beer "Heineken".